31 December 2008

week 8 Thing#18

This time it's collaborative documents.
Google Docs, Zoho Writer, ThinkFree,WriteWith,Saywire and so on....have not really looked in great detail at any of the others due to my beginner level familiarity
with Google Docs.

I can carry my work virtually with me...which is a great +. Its easy to understand and has a handy help menu, which has helped sort out issues I have had(but for the one mentioned later!)
I think it is a neat way for students to submit work,with tracking and editing functions and sharing of documents.So its easy for me to help them along and for them to help each other in their work.Its a huge time-saver without the back and forth via emails or (worse) printouts!Not to mention a paper saver.And I find it is easy to upload word,excel files into it.

I also noticed some interesting assignments teachers have used Google docs for. I should definitely recommend my research friends to use this tool to communicate with their thesis adviser...I rem'ber making futile trips to his office and never finding him there.Should get project students on board with this-so it is easy for us to look at their results and comment.

However the big issue I have is being unable to upload a zip file or multiple docs together...I noticed there are more people like me out there. And I understand this problem was not there with the older version of google docs...anyone knows how to get around this?Will appreciate the insight.


  1. I would love to see more schools using these applications. I use Google Docs every day. My main concerns ?
    1) not able to insert images easily into spread sheets
    2) not able to upload zip files
    3) loosing formatting when uploading Word DOCS

    Let us know if you use any of the others

  2. Yes, formatting is an issue with Google Docs. It needs a different approach. I suspect this is why many people don't want to use such tools.
