03 December 2008

Thing #7a

Technology...the Mumbai blasts brought the role of tech to the fore.....with people getting updates through blogs;twitter; flickr much faster than through news channels..I for one actually experience this, as I anxiously followed the news.

I have been using Flickr for sometime, but thanks to this classroom, I spent sometime exploring it. And one of the fascinating things there is 'geotagged photos'. It was quite interesting to see the geographical location of contributers to my search 'noodles'!

Facebook..a great tool;I have caught up with friends and foes from the ice-age through it.....a word of caution; I find it a blackhole of time!! Having said this, it also seems a great place to catch my students for a quick word!I think I should start a group there.....

Another favourite of mine is shelfari. A virtual bookshelf where I can update books I have read, am reading and want to read;write my reviews....recommend books to friends and get to read others reviews. I really like it, as it has a bookshelf 'look' to it and I can get a virtual feel of books I have missed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for Shelfari - that one was new to me. There are so many tools coming out that are just awesome...
